KidLit Readers Club is a community that connects educators, family and lovers of kidlit with children's book authors. We provide access to high-quality kids' books for educators and children who need them.
When you read, review and share about the books you love, you are supporting independent authors. These authors work hard and spend thousands of dollars on producing a high quality book and need a chance to compete with the big publishers and their large marketing budget.
That's where you come in! If this sounds of interest to you, fill out the form below.
Contact Info
Provide us with information about you. Include your address if you would like to receive books mailed to you. Email will help us keep in touch and text if you would like to receive notifications when new opportunities are available.
By providing email and/or phone, I agree to be contacted through those methods regarding children's book opportunities that are available to me.
About You
Tell us more about you so we can find opportunities and books that will appeal to you and your little ones.